Tuesday, April 21, 2009

Breaking the Laws of Physics, etc...

I work with an interesting fellow. There's a thin line between Genius and Insanity, and he's running down that line with a pair of scissors. He is either an insane genious, or just insane. 

Anyways, we are working on a couple of projects, and here is a quick summary of those (I will be updating later with the first one, and if you want to know more information about the second, I will see what I can do to get you his papers):

1.  Linear Magnetic Accelerator with a loopback--- A long time ago (well probably 20~40 years) a man named Howard Johnson, came up with a magnetic engine that once started, it never stopped, and produced energy that was drainable without stopping the running.... Supposedly.... I've always been taught that this would not be possible, but according to him, it is. No one has recreated his machine, and he has died, so if he was successful, his secrets have died with him. Anyways, We are working on making a linear track, with Pinball balls (if they can be attracted by magnets) in which the magnets will pull a ball in, and shoot a ball out the other end (very similar to a Gaussian/Guass rifle, which do exist). The way we are changing it, is that instead of the magnets being on the track, they are going to be outside the trach, attracting the ball to the center, which will impact other Pinball balls, and *hopefully* one will leave the magnets completely.

2. SRT Project- I am a bit skeptical about this one, as I have some difference in opinion, but I don't mine have intelligent discussions with a madman. He has came up with a theory that basically defines the smallest particle of anything, and that this particle makes up everything in the known universe. When the particle is orientated with other particles in a 90 degree formation, it creates the fabric of space. When the particle combines with 3 other particles at 60 degree angles (creating a shape similar to an equalaterial tetrahedron, but made of spheres), that creates a photon of light. 5 photons, arranged in a specific configuration creates an electron. Past that he doesn't have much, as the shape did not create pretty Protons (long strings instead of spherical like objects), but now thinks to http://www.thinkgeek.com, and tetratops, there is a thought that 6 of the elementary spherics create another particle (possibly gamma radiation, or something like that) and together those build photons. It is really interesting how these build. I will try to get some photos together, and post them tomorrow or so. 

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