Wednesday, April 22, 2009

Papercut of Doom

My job is not a dangerous job, yet there have been many times I have almost died in the line of duty. From ladders collapsing to electrical shocks from wall outlets, there have been times where I have seen the light coming for me, and I seem to just pull by. Every time, though, it doesn't hurt quite as bad as a papercut.
I have a high tolerance for pain, I can take large lacerations, burns, etc... but one thing I hate are papercuts. I was opening up some invoices today, and lo and behold someone folded their letter in an odd way, so when I slid my finger under the envelope flap, pulled it through the envelope, tearing the top, the top part of a piece of paper lodged itself between my finger and my nail, ripping open my skin, ever so slightly, but ever so painful.
After blood, alcohol prep pad, and a bandaid, a ruined bloody invoice, the pain subsided, but now it is hard to type with a bandaid over my index fingertip.

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